Monday, June 15, 2009

Novel Review

So, with the rest of my plans, they go south pretty quickly. I had planned to read a novel a month. Instead I think I've finished 2 maybe 3, can't even remember now.

But I did finish 13 Bullets by David Wellington.

The book is about Vampires, which are very en vogue right now. The vampires is this story though aren't the "pussy" vampires of Twilight, these are real monsters and are treated as such. This is something that I want from Vampires.

Also I want something that adds to the mythology - because let's face it Vampires have been done to death.

13 Bullets does this, in a pretty interesting way I think. In the book, vampires not only need to rest during the day. They die - every morning, and throughout the day regenerate/heal and come out at night stronger than ever and ready for the hunt.

This and a few other small things - like crosses only work on the original Vampires (when the Church was feared) newer Vampires are not effected add something to the story for me.

The ending wasn' t the greatest, but taking a wander around Chapter's one day and looking at other books that the author has written shows that 13 Bullets is part of a trilogy - unofficial or not - the 3 books all seem to have 2 of the same main characters. That would explain why the story just... ends. If I didn't know that the story would continue elsewhere than I maybe would have a lower opinion of the overall novel.

I would give it a 7 out of 10.

I know he has a zombie trilogy as well, I'll have to look into that one as well. Think I have found a new author to follow.

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