Monday, June 8, 2009

Well, that didn't work out as planned

This thing was supposed to be published with a ton more regularity, but as I think I warned in my first post, I'm lazy and I procrastinate.

So this is the reafirmation of my original pledge to write more often.

We'll see how long this lasts.

Because of work commitments, I haven't been able to make it to the LCS for at least a month. The Beer Store is a harsh mistress, but I was able to make this past Saturday.

Dropped $140 on 36 books. I'm not going to list them all, but I will do a couple of reviews on the few books that I have read so far:

The Incredible Hercules #129: This was a book that I recently added to my pull list. It's an action/adventure/buddy-comedy. This issue was about Hercules and Cho going into Hades in search of Zeus. While on the way - through a Casino - we see cameos from some old or recently dead Marvel heroes/villians. They wait in the casino to try and win their chance to return to life, "they win more often than you think". I thought this was a great, fun way to explain why so many people in the Marvel Universe come back to life after dying. The rest of the story is build up for the upcoming arc, but the Casino of the recently deceased was worth the money alone. Great dialogue. A solid 7 out of 10.

The Amazing Spider-Man: The Short Halloween: I bought this issue solely for the writer's Seth Meyers and Bill Hader of SNL fame, the art from Kevin Maguire didn't hurt either. This issue wasn't bad, not great either, probably because we knew going in that this was only going to be a one-shot, so nothing earth shattering would happen, the status quo would not be shaken. The plot was just ok, kind of typical case of mistaken identity, with only a couple of chuckles. For first time comic writer's I would give Meyer's a Hader another try but hopefully not a 3.99 an issue. 5 out of 10.

The Mighty #5: This title just got really good in my mind. The first four issues were ok, but nothing really special, but with the latest issue, the plot seems to explode. A former Captain of Alpha Squad shows himself and tries to warn the New Captain of the potential dangers he faces. Alpha tracks down the whistle blower and kills him. That's plot point one. Later Alpha is shown to be experimenting on a human being! With this issue, this book has moved up the reading list. 8 out of 10.

That's it for now.

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