Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pull List for Aug 27

Big week this time around. Actually picking up 2 weeks worth of stuff as I didn't hit the store last weekend because of Fan Expo.

Charlatan Ball #3, Captain America #41, X-Factor #34, Guardians of the Galaxy #4
Kick Ass #4, Fear Agent #23, Daredevil #110, Amazing Spider-Man #568 & #569
Avengers: Initiative #16, Supernatural: Rising Son #5, Nova #16, X-Force #6
Wolverine #68, Ultimate Spider-Man #125, Angel Revelations #4, Haunt of Horror #3
X-Factor: Layla Miller, 1985 #4, New Avengers #44, Mighty Avengers #17.

Only had a chance to read the Avenger books. I love how they are just extentions of Secret Invasion now. They needed more space to fill in the blanks on how this was set up and planned from a long time ago - not just thrown together because Marvel needed another company wide crossover. The books don't even feature characters that are on the teams or were Avengers at all.

Oh...wait, I don't like that at all. These books better pick up after the Invasion is done, or they're dropped.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fan Expo 08

I hadn't been to a comic book convention since I was about 15. Having just turned 29 two weeks ago I thought that should change. With FanExpo this weekend I did change things for the better.

Now, FanExpo isn't soley a comic book convention, that's where the roots started and comics take up a large portion of the flooring, but FanExpo also has Anime, Video Games, Horror and SCi-Fi to draw fans into the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

This combination seems to work quite well. It was packed. Tons of people there, at points it was very difficult to even move. I lost count of all of the people that I bumped into. I have gone to Card Shows (hockey cards) and there is no comparison in terms of the crowds. FanExpo would win hands down.

Observations: I really expected to see more people dressed as comic book characters. I saw some for sure - with the Watchmen movie coming out Rorshach was a popular choice - and a few Spider-Man's. I even saw a 6 year old boy with a Batman costume on. But the Anime/Manga kids are hardcore. I couldn't tell which medium there characters were from as I am not familiar with Anime or Manga. But damn, I was stepping on tails, bumping into duct tape broadswords, having to duck out of the way of spiked hair. I was not prepared for the hardcore Anime/Manga kids.

Some of those Anime/Manga costumes could get a young woman arrested - mistaken for another 'profession'. Ass cheeks hanging out everywhere.

Trade paper backs and Hardcover collections are taking over the comic industry. That was the majority of my purchases, because that was the majority of what I was seeing. It was like browsing at Chapters except the sellers kind of knew what they were talking about. I did buy single issues, but was disappointed with the selection. Was it because nobody had what I wanted - and I admit I wanted a few less than sought after issues ( I just want to finish my Major Bummer run ) or was it that sellers knew that TPB's and Hardcovers were going to be the big sellers? Probably both.

Big Seller for the con, was definitely Watchmen - people were selling out of their stock on Saturday when I went and there was still Sunday remaining! Another big seller was Killing Joke - I bought a copy myself - both written by Alan Moore.

The horror stuff was pretty hardcore too, scary looking people with Tatoos trying to sell you there home-made horror movies. Didn't really spend too much time in those areas - Sci-fi as well. You could definetely tell the horror fans - dressed in all black and pale. Some of the stuff looked pretty cool and I like horror movies myself on occasion, but I felt like if I tried to engage anyone in a conversation about horror movies I would be left in the dust with their knowledge.

File away for next time: My first con in years, wasn't completely sure of what to expect. For next year - because I'll probably go again - I didn't attend any panels or signings or get any sketches. A day later and I regret it. Next year, I might just buy a 2 day pass and 1 day can be dedicated for signings and sketches and the other for shopping.

Just Dumb: I never bothered to check out artist alley, for someone who keeps telling himself that one day you'll have a comic of your own to pimp out to the masses, it was pretty stupid to not spend any time to see how it's laid out and what kinds of things the people there have to sell. Have to fix that for next time.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Tropic Thunder Review

Ok, so nearly a week after I watched the movie, here's my take on Tropic Thunder.
Robert Downey Jr. stole the movie. He was easily the most watchable character, almost everything that came out of his mouth I laughed at - or didn't understand - but mostly laughed.

The story works well as a satire on the way Hollywood works and the way movies are made. The actor's and their attutides towards the work, the behind the scenes people, it all adds up to some really good laughs. Having Tom Cruise cast as a foul-mouthed producer couldn't hurt either. Aside from Downey's performance, Tom Cruises' cameo appearance was a serious plus as well. Although, on the Cruise front, a friend - who hadn't seen the movie yet - brought up an interesting point. Was it the fact that it was Tom Cruise in a bald cap and a fat suit swearing like a sailor that was so great or could someone else pull off the same trick? In all honesty he may have a point. The draw is seeing Tom Cruise swear - and dance - if it was someone else, chances are we would still laugh but the scene would definetly not be getting the same amount of buzz. That being said, it's still some of the better parts of the movie. Only 3 scenes, so it's not overdone.

I have never been a fan of Jack Black. I liked him in High Fidelity, but that's it. He mugs to the camera, he always seems to be doing the same kind of 'schtick'. He's the new funny fat guy in TV and movies, like Chris Farley and John Candy before him. Jack Black seems to be popular, I don't understand it. I'm made fun of for not liking Nacho Libre, I couldn't even sit through Be Kind Rewind and his character in King Kong was completely annoying and useless. People tell me he's good in School of Rock - don't remeber seeing it and based on what I've seen of him in other films, don't want to. In fairness, in Tropic Thunder he has some funny lines - most of them while he's tied up to a tree detoxing, but there were other times when it felt like the same old Jack Black routine. In my mind he's the weak link in the cast, but admit that could be my bias against him shining through.

The controversy: Yes, the word 'retard' is used many times. The word is used in the context of two Hollywood actors discussing their craft and trophy hunting - going after the material that awards commitees love dolling out nominations for. It was funny, in no way were the actors - Stiller and Downey - making fun of the mentally challenged. That would be career suicide. I get the distinct feeling that people who call for protests and bannings have no idea what they are actually doing. I'm sure the majority of the protesters simply heard from a second or third hand source that told them the movie makes fun of the 'retards'. I've felt this way for a long time, people who generally call for boycots had no intention of consuming the media they are protesting. It's a free country and more power to them, but it's getting pretty annoying.

Overall, Tropic Thunder gets 8 "Simple Jacks " out of 10.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pull List for the Week of Aug 13

Went to see Tropic Thunder on Wednesday. Great movie, I'll try to do a review tomorrow. But here's the comics I picked up today:
Captain Britain MI 13: 2-4 - I heard good things so I'll try the rest of the series so far.
Hellboy: Crooked Man #2 - Normally get the trades of Hellboy and I'm going to start upgrading to the Library Editions
Fantastic Four #559 - Not really liking Millar's run on this yet.
Amazing Spider-Man #567 - Love Spidey again after Brand New Day, never really hated him before but this book is back at the top of my reading list.
Astonishing X-Men #26 - Hope this gets better, had no love for last issue
Chuck #3 - Think the show is great, probably won't read this until the whole series is out.
Action Comics #868 - Mainly bought this for the Gary Frank art, never really cared for Superman, but the story is good. May have to add this to the pull list.
Walking Dead #51 - Can't wait for these issues to come out.
Angel After the Fall #11 - Falling a little behind on this book, still I stopped reading at #6
Secret Invasion #5 - Really want something to happen in this issue.
Halo: Uprising #3 - It's only been about a year since the last issue, still a better record than Kevin Smith and Daredevil: Bullseye


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Comics Pull List for the Week of Aug 6/08

I usually pick up my comics on a Saturday as opposed to Wednesday, when they're released. It's just easier to get to the store on the weekend.

Here's what I picked up:
Crossed #0 Avatar - Looks like another violence filled series from Garth Ennis.
The Boys #21 Dynamite - An Ennis twofer!
Buffy #17 Dark Horse
Invincible Iron Man #4 Marvel
The Twelve #7 Marvel
Ultimate Origins #3 Marvel
Criminal #4 Marvel/Icon
Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas #2 Marvel

Haven't had a chance to read anything of this week's stuff except for Crossed, which was just a preview issue really - enough to get me to want to read the rest of the series though, so mission accomplished I guess for Avatar.

I also have the habit of only reading the monthly issues - if it's part of a mini-series or something (like The Twelve) I'll just hold off until the whole series is out then read it as a whole.

Something you'll realize (I'm assuming I'm talking to more than myself) is that I am a Marvel Zombie. Mostly everything on my pull list is from Marvel. Never really got into DC's characters that much. The occasional Superman or Batman story was fine, but I'm hearing good things about Green Lantern, I'll have to give that a try I think.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is - no reviews today. 2 days into this blogging thing and I'm already getting lazy.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Time for Everything

Hi there!

I'm new to the whole blogging thing, so this whole endeavor could very well suck from my end. I don't know how to add pictures, links. I'm technologically slow. I'll start to educate myself on that stuff and try to build this up into something that won't bring about scorn and ridicule from the rest of the blog world.

The goal with Dense Musings is simply to get me to write. It's something that I've wanted to do for some time - not to necessarily earn a living, but it would be nice - and now seems like a time in my life where if I'm going to take a stab at it I should get moving in the right direction, not just sitting in front of the computer screen like a sloth.

As a wannabe writer, I don't write enough. Hopefully having a blog - whether anyone reads this or not - will force me to put up new content on a regular basis.

So, Dense Musings will be my spot for talking about all things Pop Culture related.

Primarily, I'm a comic geek - so that could be the majority of the content here, adding my two cents to creative changes, storylines etc. Probably I'll try to throw some reviews on here as well. But my interests also lie with movies and TV, music, books - the ones without pictures - I have a passing knowledge of video games ( I own GTA 4, bought it the 2nd day it came out and still haven't opened it up yet).

But this will be the place where I can talk about what I think is cool in the world of Pop Culture or things that were a complete waste of my money. I'll talk about things related to the Pop Culture we consume - off the top of my head, do people still feel ashamed of being known as a geek or nerd? Downloading of music or movies - things like that. My attempt at trying to sound brainy.

But a lot of comic book stuff - stick with what you know best.

Don't know how often this will updated, but I'll try to do it a few times a week anyway. If anybody reads this, thanks!