Sunday, August 10, 2008

Comics Pull List for the Week of Aug 6/08

I usually pick up my comics on a Saturday as opposed to Wednesday, when they're released. It's just easier to get to the store on the weekend.

Here's what I picked up:
Crossed #0 Avatar - Looks like another violence filled series from Garth Ennis.
The Boys #21 Dynamite - An Ennis twofer!
Buffy #17 Dark Horse
Invincible Iron Man #4 Marvel
The Twelve #7 Marvel
Ultimate Origins #3 Marvel
Criminal #4 Marvel/Icon
Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas #2 Marvel

Haven't had a chance to read anything of this week's stuff except for Crossed, which was just a preview issue really - enough to get me to want to read the rest of the series though, so mission accomplished I guess for Avatar.

I also have the habit of only reading the monthly issues - if it's part of a mini-series or something (like The Twelve) I'll just hold off until the whole series is out then read it as a whole.

Something you'll realize (I'm assuming I'm talking to more than myself) is that I am a Marvel Zombie. Mostly everything on my pull list is from Marvel. Never really got into DC's characters that much. The occasional Superman or Batman story was fine, but I'm hearing good things about Green Lantern, I'll have to give that a try I think.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is - no reviews today. 2 days into this blogging thing and I'm already getting lazy.

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