Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Time for Everything

Hi there!

I'm new to the whole blogging thing, so this whole endeavor could very well suck from my end. I don't know how to add pictures, links. I'm technologically slow. I'll start to educate myself on that stuff and try to build this up into something that won't bring about scorn and ridicule from the rest of the blog world.

The goal with Dense Musings is simply to get me to write. It's something that I've wanted to do for some time - not to necessarily earn a living, but it would be nice - and now seems like a time in my life where if I'm going to take a stab at it I should get moving in the right direction, not just sitting in front of the computer screen like a sloth.

As a wannabe writer, I don't write enough. Hopefully having a blog - whether anyone reads this or not - will force me to put up new content on a regular basis.

So, Dense Musings will be my spot for talking about all things Pop Culture related.

Primarily, I'm a comic geek - so that could be the majority of the content here, adding my two cents to creative changes, storylines etc. Probably I'll try to throw some reviews on here as well. But my interests also lie with movies and TV, music, books - the ones without pictures - I have a passing knowledge of video games ( I own GTA 4, bought it the 2nd day it came out and still haven't opened it up yet).

But this will be the place where I can talk about what I think is cool in the world of Pop Culture or things that were a complete waste of my money. I'll talk about things related to the Pop Culture we consume - off the top of my head, do people still feel ashamed of being known as a geek or nerd? Downloading of music or movies - things like that. My attempt at trying to sound brainy.

But a lot of comic book stuff - stick with what you know best.

Don't know how often this will updated, but I'll try to do it a few times a week anyway. If anybody reads this, thanks!

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