Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pull List for a Long Time Ago

Really late with this. Small Week.
WAlking Dead #54
Action Comics #871
CAp BRit #7
Wolverine #69
Green Lantern Corps #30
Amazing Spider-Man #577
Ghostbusters: The Other Side #2
Dead of Night: Devil Slayer #3


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pull List for Nov 5

Small week for me Yeah!
Marvel Zombies #2 - Realy surprised how good issue #1 was, hope it continues.
Zombie Tales #7 - More zombie goodness
Amazing Spider-Man #576
Invincible Iron Man - Hope this continues it's hot streak as well.
Adventure Comics Special: The Guardian #1 - Part of the New Krypton storyline, so it better be worth the money. Don't understand why it couldn't be told in the Superman books.

And that was it.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Movie Review/Rant - Zack & Miri

I used to be a huge Kevin Smith fan. Anything with his name on it was good enough for me to spend money on. his movies, comics - when they would come out, even his Evening With...DVD's.

But no more.

He's lost me.

He actually lost me years ago when he decided that his comic book work would take a very obvious backseat to his film work. I can partly understand choosing film over comics. The money in film is greater, but don't slap your comic book fans in the face. He was at the time the celebrity face of comics. He went on the Tonight Show for the sole purpose of promoting a Comic Book. His Spider-man/Black Cat 5 issue mini series that ended up taking him 3-4 years (not sure of the actual date) to finish. the final 2 issues never even hit the comic book stores, it was so late that Marvel just decided to put out the completed Trade. I tink last year EIC of Marvel Joe Quesada admitted that we won't ever see the second issue of the 2-part Daredevil: Target book.

He lost me with his movies as well. Most of his earlier stuff - like his claim to fame Clerks - doesn't really hold up for me anymore. I still like Dogma, Mallrats was ok, same with Chasing Amy and Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back. Clerks 2 was joke of the worst kind, and so was Jersey girl.

Right around the time of Jersey Girl, Smith was doing the media rounds for the film and he said that with Jay & Silent Bob that was it for his 'Jersey' characters. He was done with them and he was moving on. I give him credit for that, Jersey Girl was Smith's attempt at growing up. Good for him.

The movie flopped.

His response was to write another Clerks movie. Something that he swore he would never do. I lost respect for him right there as well.

With his new movie, Zack & Miri Make a Porno, I have to wonder how many more chances are we going to give him. This was predicted to be his big hit. The movie follows the now familiar Judd Apatow formula for R rated comedy success. The movie opened with less than 10 million in it's opening weekend.

The movie was known more for the 'provocative' title than anything else, when it came down to watchinhg the movie, it wasn't provocative or really all that edgy even. It was an "R" rated comedy that showed some female and male nudity and some simulated sex. But it was really the story of Seth Rogen's character and Elizabeth Banks' characters falling in love after 20 years of friendship. As with most Smith projects, there were some laughs and some funny situations, but that is about it. It wasn't really a great comedy and I think it has something to do with Smith's dialogue. When first getting into Smith's work the dialogue may seem edgy and smart and even in some cases 'real' sounding. But really in my opinion, it's not at all.
The dialogue can seem clunky as characters try and cram so many words into an argument that it zaps all comedy out of it and just sounds silly.

The movie trys to have heart because that is the way with all the new breed of 'raunch' comedies, but Apatow does it much better. In Zack & Miri the finale of the film just seems unrealistic and far fetched. Characters that have known each other and been best friends for 20 years, have been living with each other for years as well only fall in love after they script themselves to have a sex scene in their porno? Doesn't really make sense to me, doesn't really seem like a funny situation either.

I gave this movie a chance because of Seth Rogen. He can't have a hit all the time I guess. I'm officially done with Kevin Smith though.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pull List for Oct 29/08

Here's what I grabbed today.
Hellboy: In the Chapel of Moloch - Mignola back as writer/artist for an issue. I usually only buy the one shots and 3 issue series of Hellboy, and wait for the Library Editions for the rest now.
Spike: After the Fall #4 - Thought this was only a 3 issue series, maybe one day I'll actually read it.
Amazing Spider-Man #575 - Still on board for the reboot.
Thor #11 - Really like the fact that this book hasn't been involved with the crossovers...yet.
Nova #18
Astounding Wolf-Man #9 - Really glad I only have one more issue to go on this one. Just fell flat for me.
Superman #681 - Part 2 of a storyline I'm really looking forward to.
Chuck #5 - One of my favourite shows - hope the comic doesn't suck.
The Boys #24
Spawn #185 - Change in direction, we'll see how it goes. Spawn was one of the first books I really followed on a month to month basis for the first 100 issues.
1985 #6 - The conclusion.
Amazing Spider Man Annual #1 - Supposedly a story about Jackpot.
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3 - Supposedly Peter gets laid.
No Hero #2
Rage of the Red Lanterns #1 - I'm picking up Green Lantern books now, so this falls into that category.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pull List Oct 25/08

So, the Canadian prices rose last week, and I feel like it's only a matter of time before the American prices rise too, which of course would raise the Canadian prices again. Really have to be careful what I'm buying now especially the books going for 3.99.

Here's what I picked up:
GI Joe #0 - picked it up because it was a dollar, likely won't pick up anymore. IDW - the publisher - only sells $3.99 books.
Fear Agent #24 - I read this book by the arc now, seems to take forever to come out.
Daredevil #112
Captain America #43
Amazing Spider-man #574 - still liking the whole reboot even if I completely disagree with the way they got there.
X-Factor #36 - Cannot stand the current artist, can't wait until he's replaced.
New Avengers #46 - On probation.
Ultimate Spider-Man #127 - so far behind on this book, but I've bought it since the beginning, probably will buy it till it gets cancelled - if ever.
Secret Invasion #7 - almost over, thankfully. Then we get to see how the Marvel universe changes until the next Crossover.
Superman: New Krypton Special - Really looking forward to this, strange because it's a DC book
Angel After the Fall #13 - hope this is over soon, my wallet could use a break.
Zombie Tales #6
Criminal #6


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pull List for Oct 15 * Marvel Price Policy

Relatively small week for me -which is good.
Amazing Spider-Man #573 - Finally be able to finish reading New Ways to Die. Also grabbed the Stephen Colbert Variant edition, because it's cool.
Charlatan Ball #4 - Not a bad little book. I have the Hardcover edition of Joe Casey's other book Godland, still haven't read it yet.
Astonishing X-Men #27 - Wasn't too impressed with the first issues of Ellis' run, he usually always brings something different.
Captain Britain & MI 13 #6 - decent title, not sure if I'll stay with it.
Guardians of the Galaxy #6
Mighty Avengers #19 - Book is cancelled for me - still on the hook for one more issue, probably won't even read this one at all.
Ultimate Origins #5 - the mini is done and I can stop caring about the Ultimate Universe. Won't bother with Ultimatum.
Ghostbusters: The Other Side #1 - So glad the ghostbusters are back in comic books - a video game coming soon too!

It was going to be a normal day at the Comic Shop until, the guy working behind the counter told me that Marvel has raised their prices on all of their books. The Canadian price of course. This highly pissed me off. I am primarily a Marvel reader. A solid 90% of my stack is Marvel. My problem is not the fact that Marvel increased their prices - that is going to happen, comics used to cost .10 cents remember. The problem I had was how quickly Marvel changed the Canadian prices. When the Canadian dollar was at par or above the American dollar Marvel dragged their heels on changing the price, making equal or closer to equal the American cover price. But when the Canadian dollar drops like it has in the last couple of weeks, Marvel jumps all over it and raises the prices .50 cents a book across the board in a heartbeat. WTF!

This means nothing to Marvel, because honestly how many people does this effect? In the hundreds on some books...maybe a thousand on the top selling books? I'm dropping a few more Marvel books because of this. Nothing drastic, I can't ever see myself giving them up completely, but this factor in to my pull list. I think Captain Britain will be gone, maybe X-Factor as well, maybe a couple more if I can. But it will definetely stop me from buying any mini-series from Marvel, the prices were already jacked up on those.

In the last couple of weeks, I had added a few DC titles, with Marvel upping their Canadian price DC will have to follow suit within the next couple of weeks I imagine.

Stupid bastard jerks Marvel!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pull List for Oct 8/08

Pretty big week for me, didn't go last week and picked up some stuff I normally wouldn't try.

Supergirl #34 - Just trying it out, supposed to tie into the rest of the Superman titles.
The Boys #23 - really should catch up on this one.
Action Comics #870 - This one was added to my pull list for the foreseeable future.
End League #5 - behind on this one too.
Green Lantern #35 - Just added to the pull list
Green Lantern Corps #29 - just added to the pull list.
Invincible Iron Man #6 - Fraction is making me care about an Iron Man book, long after the movie was released.
The Twelve #8 - Read the first 3 issues, then decided to wait until the whole series comes out to finish it.
Walking Dead #53
Deadpool #3 - so good to have this character in his own book again.
Marvel Zombies 3 #1 - Jerks at Marvel upped the cover price, now it's $3.99 per book, and I bought both covers!
Deadworld: Slaughterhouse #1 - Starting a new mini series before the previous mini is finished, smart?
No Hero #1 - Avatar raised the price on this one too! Another $3.99 book.
Crossed #1 - $3.99 yet again!
Dead of Night Devil Slayer #2

Wanted to buy the Zombie Variant for Amazing Spider-Girl this week. Bought all of them last year when Marvel released MZ 2. But last year the variants were all released 1:1. This year it seems like it's going to be released 1:10, which means they won't be going for cover price, which means I probably won't be grabbing them this year - at least not all of them. I was looking forward to adding them to my zombie collection. Stupid Marvel, isn't the prevalence of variants part of the reason the comic book industry crashed earlier in the century?
Amazing Spider-Man is shipping with 4 covers next week!


Monday, October 6, 2008

PVR & Pull List

Wow, I suck at keeping this thing updated. Initially it was supposed to be something everyday, then it turned into twice an week and now it's whenever the hell I feel like it.


Are the greatest invention of all time. Top five at the very least.

I record everything that I watch now, just so that I can fast forward through the commercials. Way better to be able to get through an hour long program in 40 minutes rather than wasting the hour to watch it live. I can watch the shows on my time - typically a day or so after they initially air. I know that the networks hate it, I can fast forward through their prescious TV ads, but it's been a life saver, especially on days where the TV lineup is packed with stuff that I want to watch. Mondays and Thursdays are the worst. Without the PVR I would have to drop a few shows. Could always download them I suppose, but no.

The only problem is that I think I've been losing my attention span. Normally the only things I don't record to watch at a later date are award shows and sports events. Watching the Emmy's a couple of weeks ago, I was reaching for the fast forward button at practically every commercial break and sometimes just to get past the lame attempts at comedy from the hosts and the drawn out acceptance speeches.

It's affecting my watching of sports as well. The NHL season started up on the weekend and I couldn't sit through 5 minutes of the game - it could be because it was Pittsburgh and Ottawa playing over in Sweden but hockey is my favourite sport, if I can't sit through a game of that I'm screwed.

Pull List for 2 weeks ago, didn't go to the store this week only 2 books on my list. So for 2 weeks ago this is what I picked up.
1985 #5 - pretty decent, story I guess.
Angel Revelations #5 - ending the miniseries that has been...ok.
Fantastic Four #560 - don't love it, but don't hate it either. Sticking around until the end of the Millar/Hitch run.
Nova#17 - still surprised that I like this book.
New Avengers #45 - may be the only Avengers book I'll be getting in a few months as I have cancelled both Mighty and Initiative.
Deadpool #2 - #3 is due out next week, that's 3 issues in 2 months, not that I'm complaining but the scheduling seems weird.
Captain America#42 - I think Brubaker has surpassed Bendis as my favourite comic writer.
Avengers: Initiative #17 - done with it - didn't even read this issue, started out great but felt like it really fell off in quality maybe ten issues ago.

That's it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Emmy's

Kind of sucked.


The opening was potentially the silliest waste of time. I think I understand what they were going for with rambling on for endless minutes, but it failed. A couple of minutes at the most of that schtick and it may have been tolerable - but 10 minutes or more - was just...dumb. Why would the decision be made to waste so much time on a bit that clearly wasn't working, should have been clear for the outset that it wouldn't work, even one of the hosts later on mentioned that Jimmy Kimmel told them it wouldn't work but they went ahead with it anyway?

Why have reality hosts be in charge of the most important night in the television industry anyway? They're the joke of the industry - "Let's give them full reign on the most important night of the year!"

I watched reality programming in the beginning - the first season of Survivor, Big Brother and the Amazing Race, but then I grew out of it, too much repitition too much crap - but the public at large haven't. I get it, I understand that this isn't the fad that everyone thought it would be and I accept it. I just don't think that reality shows should play a larger role in the broadcast of the Emmys.

If they have to, hand out the Emmys for best Reality program (been around for a few years now) and now best Reality host (new this year) but don't try and gather some kind of respect for the genre - in the TV industry and amounst the actors etc. it won't happen. Plus, when they handed out the award for best host - they trotted the nominees ( ie all the hosts) out on stage and played it like a real reality show - complete with taking a commercial break right before announcing who wins the award!

Ratings for the show were the worst ever or close to it - I don't think that was the hosts' fault entirely. The fact that the most nominated shows Mad Men came from a small cable channel called AMC and 30 Rock got the most nominations with 17 is on NBC, but the ratings are terrible. People didn't have a show to route for, and didn't have a host that they cared about.

As usual, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert were funny - each winning an award as well. Don Rickles was the only person that seemed to go off script and say anything that he wanted to - kind of his thing I understand - he was a stand out. The best bit of the night went to Ricky Gervais and Steve Carell. Gervais wanting his Emmy back from Carell after he was 'given' Gervais' Emmy from last year by Stewart and Colbert was great.

Also liked Neil Patrick Harris taking a quick shot at the hosts for taking up so much time that their bit was cut.

Should really look into watching Mad Men, that's what I learned from last night's Emmys. That and I really have no need to start watching any more reality shows.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pull List for Sept 17/08

Ok, here's what I grabbed.
Astounding Wolf-Man #8 - I want to like this book, but it's still on the edge of being dropped for me.
Captain Britain #5 - Put this on my list after hearing so much about it, but may drop it due to budgetary concerns - plus I'm thinking of adding a few more titles to the list - something has to give, good book, but I don't need to keep up with it.
Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Mighty Avengers #18 - Kind of glad Bendis is leaving the book in a couple of issues, never really got into the book - this one will be dropped.
Walking Dead #52
War Heroes #2
X-Factor #35
Action Comics #869 - Damn Geoff Johns, not only is he getting me to read DC Comics, but he's got me adding 3 DC books to my Pull List. Action, Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps.
Zombie Tales #5
Spike: After the Fall #2 & 3

Watching the Emmy's now, maybe a review tomorrow, maybe not - nobody reads this thing anyway.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pull List for Sept 10

Better late than never and it was a small week too!

Criminal #5 - took a look at the new Solicits for Dec and Brubaker and Phillips have a new Icon book to go along with Criminal called Villians, have to add that to my list now too.
Secret Invasion #6 - Only 2 issues of this series left and I am underwhelmed, I say this pretty much every time, but this may be my last big crossover. The problem is, with Universe spanning crossovers, they always spill over into all the other books that I read.
Ult. Origins #4 - I think I may be done with automatically buying whatever Bendis puts out, and with this Dark Avengers and Dark Reign stuff - it would save some money.
Ex Machina #38 - good title from what I remember, it's been about 6 or 7 issues since I last read one.
Amazing Spider-Man #571 - Read the first part of the New Ways to Die story - and it wasn't horrible - waiting for it all to come out to finish it up.
Deadpool #1 - Yes! Book of the Week for me, I love this character so much, and am so glad that he gets another chance at a solo book - even though the last 10 or so issues of Cable/Deadpool was essentially just a Deadpool book.

Mini TV review - Trueblood - not that great.


Edit: Of course by Villians, I meant the new book by Brubaker and Phillips is called Incognito.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Media Consumption

With the new Televisions season here, it becomes a race for me to get everything done/watched.

My PVR rapidly fills up and I have a hard time getting through it all. I knock down a few hours worth of TV and then that night it fills right back up again. The problem compounds when taking into account the other things I want to do as well.

Comics, reading - novels, video games, movies. There isn't enough time for it all.

It gets frustrating and the thought of dropping shows or comics pops into my mind, but there are always more and more to take over the spots of the fallen. So I see my PVR fill up, see the stacks of comics and books pile up, see video games being neglected and all I can do is think that I'll get to them tomorrow or the next day.

Gotta have a life too right? Something outside the nerdly realms of geek culture?

How to balance it all is the question. Not sure if there's a proper answer either. I can't help the fact that I'm attracted to so many different aspects of pop culture and want to try and enjoy the most I can.

Sometimes I think it's too much, but good luck trying to quit. I've already given up. I'm Pop Culture's Bitch!


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pull List for Sept 3/08

Here's what I picked up on Saturday:
Amazing Spider-man #570 - hope this 'New ways to die' storyline lives up to the hype.
The Boys #22 - I'm really falling behind on this book. Not a condemnation of it, just a reminder for myself to get reading it.
Buffy #18 - Liking this more than Angel.
End League #4 - falling behind on this one as well, but it's on a bi-monthly schedule - hopefully that changes so I read them as they come in.
Invincible Iron Man #5 - Only bought this because I was on a high from the movie - but 5 issues in and I'm still reading a book starring Iron Man - who knew?
Zombie Tales #3 &4 - backordered because my LCS missed them the first time around. Anything zombie is fine by me.
Angel #12 - Haven't read an issue since #5 I think, but still get it because I was such a fan of the show. I have hope.
Dead of Night: Devil Slayer - Don't know anything about the character, but it's written by Brian Keene, writer of The Rising - a kick ass zombie novel. And anything zombie is fine by me.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

New TV Season

The new television season is here and this easily has to be one of my favourite times of the year. With the returning show I follow back on the air and even the curiosity that comes with checking out the new stuff.

Prison Break was the first show back on the air, and I just had a chance to watch the season 4 premiere last night - and...it had it's moments of good and bad. Mostly bad now that I think of it.

I was a huge fan of this show for the first season, most of the second season, most of the 3rd season as well. The second season ended poorly for me, but the Sona storyline kept up my interest until the final episode of season 3. Season 1 has been the only season of the show thus far that has been great in my opinion from start to finish. Every season after it has seen my interest wane towards the end of the season resulting in mini marathons of Prison Break so I can clear up some space on my PVR, Not usually a good sign, but I keep coming back for more. I've come this far.

Now with Season 4 starting - and it may be the last after seeing how many people actually tuned in to the premiere - the plot is even more convoluted than I thought it could ever become, there was a resurrection of sorts and lastly Cannibalism

The plot for this year is to take down the Company, to do so, Micheal and crew have to work together to obtain a set of electronic documents - 6 in total. In return for this the US government has promised no jail time for anyone - and everyone involved is looking at 15 years on the light side if they don't help.

The simple fact that the government is running a black ops style mission with known criminals is a little weird to me - and sounds like it was done before, wasn't the MOD squad about criminals trying to work off their sentence (I'm too lazy for research). This season's plots seem to me like a blatant attempt to keep the show going. Michael and his crew have broken out of 2 prisons, now, once they find the six pieces of electronics that they are looking for, they have to break into a Company building (they don't now where it is at the moment) and the downfall of the evil Company can start from there I guess. This season will have nothing to do with breaking out of prisons. If this show - by some miracle - lasts another few seasons, Michael and his crew will be trying to break into car after locking the keys inside. That will be 22 episodes of excitement.

Resurrections are something I'm used to as a comic book fan - a character never seems to stay dead for more than a few years at the absolute most. So, when the character of Sarah was brought back to the land of the living - it smacked of "what the hell? we saw her head in a box in season 3!" The writer's clever way around this was to say that it wasn't really her, it was just some corpse that the Company had found as a way to motivate Michael and his brother Lincoln into doing their bidding.

Just some random corpse huh? A random corpse that looks exactly like the character they supposedly killed. In the flashbacks, they did the clever editing job of never actually showing the head in the box, but I distinctly remember seeing it in Season 3, back when the actress playing the character of Sarah didn't want to come back - for whatever reason. Now she's back, so it was just some random head in a box that coincidentally looked like Sarah's twin and nobody ever saw confirmation that it was actually Sarah's head in the box. Excellent job of retconing that whole scene.

I also had issue with once scene in which Michael is getting his tattoos removed. Michael, from seeing Season 1 you'll now was covered from the neck down in tattoos. It was his way of smuggling in his plans for escape from the first prison. Season 4 sees him seemingly have his tattoos removed in a single session with a laser. I may have missed something here, but I don't think that's possible. With editing, it made it seem like Michael had his tattoos removed, at least an arms worth (a sleeve I think it's called) in less than a day. Or course we never see Michael in short sleeves so it's hard to tell, but the editing makes it seem that way. That would be one gigantic leap in logic, but I suppose the whole show is a giant leap in logic.

Lastly, Cannibalism. T-bag, stranded in the desert with a Mexican travel partner are robbed and left for dead. The Mexican travel partner snaps after days without food or water, takes a swing ant T-bag and falls killing himself on a rock. T-bag thinks long and hard for a second then builds himself a fire and eats the guy!


Then, T-bag continues his travels, finally runs into some people that will help him get out of the desert. Before the travel start, he kind of retches at the thought of what he just had to do. The one would be savior asks "Are you ok? What'd you do have some bad Mexican?"

To which T-bag replies "Something like that"


Bad enough that they had Cannibalism in the first place, but they had to throw in such a bad joke to top it all off?

If this was my first episode of Prison Break, it would have been my last. But I've been here since the beginning and I'll stick it out. They're running out of ideas and if Cannibalism sounds like a good one to the writers/producers of the show I'm forced to stick around til the end.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pull List for Aug 27

Big week this time around. Actually picking up 2 weeks worth of stuff as I didn't hit the store last weekend because of Fan Expo.

Charlatan Ball #3, Captain America #41, X-Factor #34, Guardians of the Galaxy #4
Kick Ass #4, Fear Agent #23, Daredevil #110, Amazing Spider-Man #568 & #569
Avengers: Initiative #16, Supernatural: Rising Son #5, Nova #16, X-Force #6
Wolverine #68, Ultimate Spider-Man #125, Angel Revelations #4, Haunt of Horror #3
X-Factor: Layla Miller, 1985 #4, New Avengers #44, Mighty Avengers #17.

Only had a chance to read the Avenger books. I love how they are just extentions of Secret Invasion now. They needed more space to fill in the blanks on how this was set up and planned from a long time ago - not just thrown together because Marvel needed another company wide crossover. The books don't even feature characters that are on the teams or were Avengers at all.

Oh...wait, I don't like that at all. These books better pick up after the Invasion is done, or they're dropped.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fan Expo 08

I hadn't been to a comic book convention since I was about 15. Having just turned 29 two weeks ago I thought that should change. With FanExpo this weekend I did change things for the better.

Now, FanExpo isn't soley a comic book convention, that's where the roots started and comics take up a large portion of the flooring, but FanExpo also has Anime, Video Games, Horror and SCi-Fi to draw fans into the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

This combination seems to work quite well. It was packed. Tons of people there, at points it was very difficult to even move. I lost count of all of the people that I bumped into. I have gone to Card Shows (hockey cards) and there is no comparison in terms of the crowds. FanExpo would win hands down.

Observations: I really expected to see more people dressed as comic book characters. I saw some for sure - with the Watchmen movie coming out Rorshach was a popular choice - and a few Spider-Man's. I even saw a 6 year old boy with a Batman costume on. But the Anime/Manga kids are hardcore. I couldn't tell which medium there characters were from as I am not familiar with Anime or Manga. But damn, I was stepping on tails, bumping into duct tape broadswords, having to duck out of the way of spiked hair. I was not prepared for the hardcore Anime/Manga kids.

Some of those Anime/Manga costumes could get a young woman arrested - mistaken for another 'profession'. Ass cheeks hanging out everywhere.

Trade paper backs and Hardcover collections are taking over the comic industry. That was the majority of my purchases, because that was the majority of what I was seeing. It was like browsing at Chapters except the sellers kind of knew what they were talking about. I did buy single issues, but was disappointed with the selection. Was it because nobody had what I wanted - and I admit I wanted a few less than sought after issues ( I just want to finish my Major Bummer run ) or was it that sellers knew that TPB's and Hardcovers were going to be the big sellers? Probably both.

Big Seller for the con, was definitely Watchmen - people were selling out of their stock on Saturday when I went and there was still Sunday remaining! Another big seller was Killing Joke - I bought a copy myself - both written by Alan Moore.

The horror stuff was pretty hardcore too, scary looking people with Tatoos trying to sell you there home-made horror movies. Didn't really spend too much time in those areas - Sci-fi as well. You could definetely tell the horror fans - dressed in all black and pale. Some of the stuff looked pretty cool and I like horror movies myself on occasion, but I felt like if I tried to engage anyone in a conversation about horror movies I would be left in the dust with their knowledge.

File away for next time: My first con in years, wasn't completely sure of what to expect. For next year - because I'll probably go again - I didn't attend any panels or signings or get any sketches. A day later and I regret it. Next year, I might just buy a 2 day pass and 1 day can be dedicated for signings and sketches and the other for shopping.

Just Dumb: I never bothered to check out artist alley, for someone who keeps telling himself that one day you'll have a comic of your own to pimp out to the masses, it was pretty stupid to not spend any time to see how it's laid out and what kinds of things the people there have to sell. Have to fix that for next time.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Tropic Thunder Review

Ok, so nearly a week after I watched the movie, here's my take on Tropic Thunder.
Robert Downey Jr. stole the movie. He was easily the most watchable character, almost everything that came out of his mouth I laughed at - or didn't understand - but mostly laughed.

The story works well as a satire on the way Hollywood works and the way movies are made. The actor's and their attutides towards the work, the behind the scenes people, it all adds up to some really good laughs. Having Tom Cruise cast as a foul-mouthed producer couldn't hurt either. Aside from Downey's performance, Tom Cruises' cameo appearance was a serious plus as well. Although, on the Cruise front, a friend - who hadn't seen the movie yet - brought up an interesting point. Was it the fact that it was Tom Cruise in a bald cap and a fat suit swearing like a sailor that was so great or could someone else pull off the same trick? In all honesty he may have a point. The draw is seeing Tom Cruise swear - and dance - if it was someone else, chances are we would still laugh but the scene would definetly not be getting the same amount of buzz. That being said, it's still some of the better parts of the movie. Only 3 scenes, so it's not overdone.

I have never been a fan of Jack Black. I liked him in High Fidelity, but that's it. He mugs to the camera, he always seems to be doing the same kind of 'schtick'. He's the new funny fat guy in TV and movies, like Chris Farley and John Candy before him. Jack Black seems to be popular, I don't understand it. I'm made fun of for not liking Nacho Libre, I couldn't even sit through Be Kind Rewind and his character in King Kong was completely annoying and useless. People tell me he's good in School of Rock - don't remeber seeing it and based on what I've seen of him in other films, don't want to. In fairness, in Tropic Thunder he has some funny lines - most of them while he's tied up to a tree detoxing, but there were other times when it felt like the same old Jack Black routine. In my mind he's the weak link in the cast, but admit that could be my bias against him shining through.

The controversy: Yes, the word 'retard' is used many times. The word is used in the context of two Hollywood actors discussing their craft and trophy hunting - going after the material that awards commitees love dolling out nominations for. It was funny, in no way were the actors - Stiller and Downey - making fun of the mentally challenged. That would be career suicide. I get the distinct feeling that people who call for protests and bannings have no idea what they are actually doing. I'm sure the majority of the protesters simply heard from a second or third hand source that told them the movie makes fun of the 'retards'. I've felt this way for a long time, people who generally call for boycots had no intention of consuming the media they are protesting. It's a free country and more power to them, but it's getting pretty annoying.

Overall, Tropic Thunder gets 8 "Simple Jacks " out of 10.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pull List for the Week of Aug 13

Went to see Tropic Thunder on Wednesday. Great movie, I'll try to do a review tomorrow. But here's the comics I picked up today:
Captain Britain MI 13: 2-4 - I heard good things so I'll try the rest of the series so far.
Hellboy: Crooked Man #2 - Normally get the trades of Hellboy and I'm going to start upgrading to the Library Editions
Fantastic Four #559 - Not really liking Millar's run on this yet.
Amazing Spider-Man #567 - Love Spidey again after Brand New Day, never really hated him before but this book is back at the top of my reading list.
Astonishing X-Men #26 - Hope this gets better, had no love for last issue
Chuck #3 - Think the show is great, probably won't read this until the whole series is out.
Action Comics #868 - Mainly bought this for the Gary Frank art, never really cared for Superman, but the story is good. May have to add this to the pull list.
Walking Dead #51 - Can't wait for these issues to come out.
Angel After the Fall #11 - Falling a little behind on this book, still I stopped reading at #6
Secret Invasion #5 - Really want something to happen in this issue.
Halo: Uprising #3 - It's only been about a year since the last issue, still a better record than Kevin Smith and Daredevil: Bullseye


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Comics Pull List for the Week of Aug 6/08

I usually pick up my comics on a Saturday as opposed to Wednesday, when they're released. It's just easier to get to the store on the weekend.

Here's what I picked up:
Crossed #0 Avatar - Looks like another violence filled series from Garth Ennis.
The Boys #21 Dynamite - An Ennis twofer!
Buffy #17 Dark Horse
Invincible Iron Man #4 Marvel
The Twelve #7 Marvel
Ultimate Origins #3 Marvel
Criminal #4 Marvel/Icon
Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas #2 Marvel

Haven't had a chance to read anything of this week's stuff except for Crossed, which was just a preview issue really - enough to get me to want to read the rest of the series though, so mission accomplished I guess for Avatar.

I also have the habit of only reading the monthly issues - if it's part of a mini-series or something (like The Twelve) I'll just hold off until the whole series is out then read it as a whole.

Something you'll realize (I'm assuming I'm talking to more than myself) is that I am a Marvel Zombie. Mostly everything on my pull list is from Marvel. Never really got into DC's characters that much. The occasional Superman or Batman story was fine, but I'm hearing good things about Green Lantern, I'll have to give that a try I think.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is - no reviews today. 2 days into this blogging thing and I'm already getting lazy.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Time for Everything

Hi there!

I'm new to the whole blogging thing, so this whole endeavor could very well suck from my end. I don't know how to add pictures, links. I'm technologically slow. I'll start to educate myself on that stuff and try to build this up into something that won't bring about scorn and ridicule from the rest of the blog world.

The goal with Dense Musings is simply to get me to write. It's something that I've wanted to do for some time - not to necessarily earn a living, but it would be nice - and now seems like a time in my life where if I'm going to take a stab at it I should get moving in the right direction, not just sitting in front of the computer screen like a sloth.

As a wannabe writer, I don't write enough. Hopefully having a blog - whether anyone reads this or not - will force me to put up new content on a regular basis.

So, Dense Musings will be my spot for talking about all things Pop Culture related.

Primarily, I'm a comic geek - so that could be the majority of the content here, adding my two cents to creative changes, storylines etc. Probably I'll try to throw some reviews on here as well. But my interests also lie with movies and TV, music, books - the ones without pictures - I have a passing knowledge of video games ( I own GTA 4, bought it the 2nd day it came out and still haven't opened it up yet).

But this will be the place where I can talk about what I think is cool in the world of Pop Culture or things that were a complete waste of my money. I'll talk about things related to the Pop Culture we consume - off the top of my head, do people still feel ashamed of being known as a geek or nerd? Downloading of music or movies - things like that. My attempt at trying to sound brainy.

But a lot of comic book stuff - stick with what you know best.

Don't know how often this will updated, but I'll try to do it a few times a week anyway. If anybody reads this, thanks!