Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pull List for Sept 10

Better late than never and it was a small week too!

Criminal #5 - took a look at the new Solicits for Dec and Brubaker and Phillips have a new Icon book to go along with Criminal called Villians, have to add that to my list now too.
Secret Invasion #6 - Only 2 issues of this series left and I am underwhelmed, I say this pretty much every time, but this may be my last big crossover. The problem is, with Universe spanning crossovers, they always spill over into all the other books that I read.
Ult. Origins #4 - I think I may be done with automatically buying whatever Bendis puts out, and with this Dark Avengers and Dark Reign stuff - it would save some money.
Ex Machina #38 - good title from what I remember, it's been about 6 or 7 issues since I last read one.
Amazing Spider-Man #571 - Read the first part of the New Ways to Die story - and it wasn't horrible - waiting for it all to come out to finish it up.
Deadpool #1 - Yes! Book of the Week for me, I love this character so much, and am so glad that he gets another chance at a solo book - even though the last 10 or so issues of Cable/Deadpool was essentially just a Deadpool book.

Mini TV review - Trueblood - not that great.


Edit: Of course by Villians, I meant the new book by Brubaker and Phillips is called Incognito.

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