Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pull List for Oct 8/08

Pretty big week for me, didn't go last week and picked up some stuff I normally wouldn't try.

Supergirl #34 - Just trying it out, supposed to tie into the rest of the Superman titles.
The Boys #23 - really should catch up on this one.
Action Comics #870 - This one was added to my pull list for the foreseeable future.
End League #5 - behind on this one too.
Green Lantern #35 - Just added to the pull list
Green Lantern Corps #29 - just added to the pull list.
Invincible Iron Man #6 - Fraction is making me care about an Iron Man book, long after the movie was released.
The Twelve #8 - Read the first 3 issues, then decided to wait until the whole series comes out to finish it.
Walking Dead #53
Deadpool #3 - so good to have this character in his own book again.
Marvel Zombies 3 #1 - Jerks at Marvel upped the cover price, now it's $3.99 per book, and I bought both covers!
Deadworld: Slaughterhouse #1 - Starting a new mini series before the previous mini is finished, smart?
No Hero #1 - Avatar raised the price on this one too! Another $3.99 book.
Crossed #1 - $3.99 yet again!
Dead of Night Devil Slayer #2

Wanted to buy the Zombie Variant for Amazing Spider-Girl this week. Bought all of them last year when Marvel released MZ 2. But last year the variants were all released 1:1. This year it seems like it's going to be released 1:10, which means they won't be going for cover price, which means I probably won't be grabbing them this year - at least not all of them. I was looking forward to adding them to my zombie collection. Stupid Marvel, isn't the prevalence of variants part of the reason the comic book industry crashed earlier in the century?
Amazing Spider-Man is shipping with 4 covers next week!


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