Monday, October 6, 2008

PVR & Pull List

Wow, I suck at keeping this thing updated. Initially it was supposed to be something everyday, then it turned into twice an week and now it's whenever the hell I feel like it.


Are the greatest invention of all time. Top five at the very least.

I record everything that I watch now, just so that I can fast forward through the commercials. Way better to be able to get through an hour long program in 40 minutes rather than wasting the hour to watch it live. I can watch the shows on my time - typically a day or so after they initially air. I know that the networks hate it, I can fast forward through their prescious TV ads, but it's been a life saver, especially on days where the TV lineup is packed with stuff that I want to watch. Mondays and Thursdays are the worst. Without the PVR I would have to drop a few shows. Could always download them I suppose, but no.

The only problem is that I think I've been losing my attention span. Normally the only things I don't record to watch at a later date are award shows and sports events. Watching the Emmy's a couple of weeks ago, I was reaching for the fast forward button at practically every commercial break and sometimes just to get past the lame attempts at comedy from the hosts and the drawn out acceptance speeches.

It's affecting my watching of sports as well. The NHL season started up on the weekend and I couldn't sit through 5 minutes of the game - it could be because it was Pittsburgh and Ottawa playing over in Sweden but hockey is my favourite sport, if I can't sit through a game of that I'm screwed.

Pull List for 2 weeks ago, didn't go to the store this week only 2 books on my list. So for 2 weeks ago this is what I picked up.
1985 #5 - pretty decent, story I guess.
Angel Revelations #5 - ending the miniseries that has been...ok.
Fantastic Four #560 - don't love it, but don't hate it either. Sticking around until the end of the Millar/Hitch run.
Nova#17 - still surprised that I like this book.
New Avengers #45 - may be the only Avengers book I'll be getting in a few months as I have cancelled both Mighty and Initiative.
Deadpool #2 - #3 is due out next week, that's 3 issues in 2 months, not that I'm complaining but the scheduling seems weird.
Captain America#42 - I think Brubaker has surpassed Bendis as my favourite comic writer.
Avengers: Initiative #17 - done with it - didn't even read this issue, started out great but felt like it really fell off in quality maybe ten issues ago.

That's it.

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