Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pull List for the Week of Aug 13

Went to see Tropic Thunder on Wednesday. Great movie, I'll try to do a review tomorrow. But here's the comics I picked up today:
Captain Britain MI 13: 2-4 - I heard good things so I'll try the rest of the series so far.
Hellboy: Crooked Man #2 - Normally get the trades of Hellboy and I'm going to start upgrading to the Library Editions
Fantastic Four #559 - Not really liking Millar's run on this yet.
Amazing Spider-Man #567 - Love Spidey again after Brand New Day, never really hated him before but this book is back at the top of my reading list.
Astonishing X-Men #26 - Hope this gets better, had no love for last issue
Chuck #3 - Think the show is great, probably won't read this until the whole series is out.
Action Comics #868 - Mainly bought this for the Gary Frank art, never really cared for Superman, but the story is good. May have to add this to the pull list.
Walking Dead #51 - Can't wait for these issues to come out.
Angel After the Fall #11 - Falling a little behind on this book, still I stopped reading at #6
Secret Invasion #5 - Really want something to happen in this issue.
Halo: Uprising #3 - It's only been about a year since the last issue, still a better record than Kevin Smith and Daredevil: Bullseye


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